El presente proyecto ha sido financiado con el apoyo de la Comisión Europea. Esta publicación (comunicación) es responsabilidad exclusiva de su autor. La Comisión no es responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.



sábado, 23 de julio de 2022

Curs: English Language Teaching & 21st Century Skills for Learning


Les professores d´anglés del centre Cristina Escutia i MCarmen Gimeno han realitzat una mobilitat a Dublín, Irlanda, durant 8 dies, per a la realització del curs: 

English Language Teaching & 21st Century Skills for Learning

Durant aquestos dies, han pogut intercanviar idees amb professorat d´altres països, disenyar material innovatiu per a emprar en les aules, millorar les destreses lingüístiques,....

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2021

Our course in Iceland: ICT's. Web applications, social networks & online tools for a new education.

 From 22nd-28th August Mª CArmen Gimeno and Carlos Beltrán, teachers at IES ELs Evols in L´Alcúdia will be taking a course in new technologies in Iceland, the land of ice and fire. We will tell you about our experience and we will share the things we are learning here.

DAY 1: Arriving to Keflavik airport  at night and settling down in Reyjkiavik. After a long journey from Spain and a bit of a jet-lag we aim to sleep a few hours before waking up and start a new day in this beautiful land.

DAY 2: We are meeting with the organisers of the course in the afternoon and we introduce ourselves and the rest of participants. We carry out some ice-breaking activities to get to know all the participants and the organisers tell us the timetable and organisation of t he course. Afterwards, time for a nice and deserved dinner! Fish & chips at a food truck! So typical here! The weather changes every now and then: you never know! But in general it is chilly!

DAY 3: We are starting the course in the morning. First thing, we learn to use a web app called polleverywhere  used for  instant interaction teacher-students. We practice in grups for a while creating questions  and answers. After an entertaining break sharing our experiences with other European people, we learn about QR codes and blogs.
In the afternoon we took a Reyjkiavik tour around the city with a local guide who explained us a lot of interesting things related to the first settlements and important buildings like the parliament, churches, schools, etc. It was great fun.
In the evening we went to a restaurant to eat a typical soup with bread. It was really good!!!

DAY 4: A new day learning about useful apps and web tools such as quizziz, kahoot, plickers and Nearpod to be used with our students. These apps and toold are used  to create exams, questionaires or just lessons about any topic that you can mark your students with .Now, sharing the things that we´ve created and play as if we were students. 
In the afternoon, we´ll be going to the Perlan Museum from where we´ll be able to enjoy incredible views of the city from the top of the planetarium.


jueves, 12 de agosto de 2021


 El passat juliol, des del 26 fins al 30, tant l´equip directiu del centre com el professorat ha realitzat un curs a Joensuu, Finlàndia, sobre "nous entorns d´aprenentatge", formació emmarcada dins del nostre projecte Erasmus ka101.

Curs: English Language Teaching & 21st Century Skills for Learning

  Les professores d´anglés del centre Cristina Escutia i MCarmen Gimeno han realitzat una mobilitat a Dublín, Irlanda, durant 8 dies, per a ...